8 COFRAC Calibration Accreditations
List of sites and scopes available on www.cofrac.fr
No. 2-1447 Calibration: Time Frequency – Besançon
No. 2-1448 Calibration: Dimensional – Besançon and on customer site
No. 2-1974 Calibration: Temperature – Besançon and on customer site
No. 2-2032 Calibration: Torque wrench – Besançon
No. 2-2037 Calibration: Balances (NAWI) – On customer site
No. 2-2045 Calibration: Pressure – Besançon
No. 2-5920 Calibration: Electricity – Besançon and on customer site
No. 2-5927 Calibration: Dynamometer – Ostwald
2 COFRAC Test Accreditations
Accreditation no. 1-0533 – Ostwald site and on customer site
List of sites and scopes available on www.cofrac.fr
Test specimen preparation (machining)
Laboratory tests on metal materials and welded/brazed assemblies: Mechanical tests, durability and fatigue tests, metallographic tests, salt mist tests, physico-chemical analyses
Verification of mechanical testing machines on customer site
Verification of thermostatic chambers, salt mist chambers and baths on customer site
The EN 9100 standard is entirely based on ISO 9001 and adds requirements specific to the Aerospace & Defence sector. The Mecasem Group’s aeronautical testing activity on the Ostwald site is recognised under the EN 9100 standard.
EN 9100:2009, ISO 9001:2015
ISO 9001 Certification - Mecasem Group
EN 9100 Certification – Ostwald site, Aeronautical Testing activity
Quality Management System (QMS) Certification
The entire Mecasem Group is accredited by ISO 9001 certification, which commits every organisation to improve efficiency and increase customer satisfaction.
The EN 9100 standard is entirely based on ISO 9001 and adds requirements specific to the Aerospace & Defence sector. The Mecasem Group’s aeronautical testing activity on the Ostwald site is recognised under the EN 9100 standard.
NadCap Accreditation
Nadcap Accreditation – Ostwald site
Scope available on www.eAudiNnet.com – Online QML
(Qualified Manufactured Listing)
AC7101/1: General requirements for materials testing laboratories
AC7101/3: Mechanical testing
(A) Room temperature tensile test
(B) High temperature tensile test
(N) Impact bend testing
(O) Fatigue test
AC7101/7: Test specimen preparation
(Z/Z3) Standard and moulded specimen machining
PED certification under Module H/H1 of Directive 2014/68/EU
BV Marine certification
The Mecasem Group is authorised to mark pressure equipment manufactured within the valid scope of its quality assurance system using the CE mark followed by its identification number 0036.
It also holds BV Marine certification for fusion-welded carbon steel pressure vessels and pipework for the Marine sector.
The requirements of the PED quality assurance system are based on ISO 9001 supplemented by product-specific requirements arising from the provisions of Annexes I and III of the PED.
NAWI regulated – CTVIM member
As part of belonging to the CTVIM network :
Approval for periodic inspection and repair of NAWI equipment
issued by DIRECCTE in the context of legal metrology [French Regional Department for Enterprise, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment]
The Mecasem group is a member of the CTVIM network, a French cooperative of more than 80 companies associated with weighing technologies, and as such carries out the periodic verification and repair of NAWI (Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments – Balances) in the context of legal metrology.
This approval is based on COFRAC Inspection accreditation No. 3-1448 – List of sites and scopes available on www.cofrac.fr for periodic verification and based on LNE certification of the Quality System to repair NAWI.